Shipbuilding News 2016/06/03

News Brief:

Shipbuilding News:

* CSSC-MES seem to move for JV yard

* Teekay to push STX to pay damages

* DSME to raise scale of self-help plan

* Korean yards won four NBs only

* "NB deliveries are sign of yard growth"

* CSBC, 2+1 1,800 teus

Shipping News:

* CSBC, 2+1 1,800 teus

* Pan Ocean on recovery track to sign 1-year shipping order from Posco

Steel News:

* Iron Ore at Risk of Losing All of 2016’s Gains as Slump Deepens

Energy News:

* OPEC Keeps Status Quo After Failing to Agree on Output Cap

Biz China:

* China's foreign service trade tops $257b

* Baltic Dry Index

BDI      606          (-6)

BCI      854          (-7)

BPI      560          (-8)

BSI      575          (-3)

BHSI    354         (-1)

* TC Avg ($/day)

BCI  5T/C     6,438       (-103)

BPI  4T/C     4,476        (-67)

BSI  6T/C     6,008        (-36)

* Exchange Rate

USD / KRW   1,189.6

USD / RMB    6.5793

* Crude Future ($/barrel)

WTI       49.04

Brent     49.95

* Bunker  (Singapore, $/ton)

 IF380      IFO180     MDO     MGO

230.00      240.00     430.00   440.00