Shipbuilding News 2016/04/20

News Brief:

Shipbuilding News:

* No buyers for Sainty Marine’s first round of online auction

* Dae Sun to build coastal passenger ships

* HHIC to receive fund injection again

* HHI Group NB sales down 70%

* SPP expected to achieve stabilization

Shipping News:

* Freight rates for Capesize dry bulkers remain firm

* Maersk Line to increase Asia-Europe shipping rates by $550 per TEU

Steel News:

* Iron Ore Powers above $60 as Steel Rally in China Spurs Demand

Energy News:

* Crude prices rise as the U.S. dollar drops

Biz China:

* Spending reduced in three key areas

* Baltic Dry Index

BDI      671        (+12)

BCI   1,065        (+35)

BPI      746         (+6)

BSI      534         (+5)

BHSI    334         (+6)

* TC Avg ($/day)

BCI  5T/C     8,024     (+285)

BPI  4T/C     5,947       (+54)

BSI  6T/C     5,580       (+45)

* Exchange Rate

USD / KRW   1,140.5

USD / RMB    6.4579

* Crude Future ($/barrel)

WTI       40.80

Brent     43.52

* Buker  (Singapore, $/ton)

 IF380      IFO180     MDO     MGO

192.00      198.00     352.00   362.00