Shipbuilding News 2015/10/08

Shipbuilding News:*

 Shanhaiguan bags Handysize BC SWS awarded LR2 order from GreeceCEXIM strategically supports SWS* CSSC wins heavylifter sextetHHI repeatedly wins Panamax VLGC HHI denies Maersk option order * Sungdong gets more financial help

Shipping News:* Ship owners acquired 421 vessels of 30 million dwt during summer months, in shift towards second hand tonnage Steep UKC VLCC freight rates thwarting fuel oil arb to Singapore
Steel News:Iron ore plays chicken with the Fed
Energy News:Oil prices rally amid falling output forecast
Biz China:Decline in foreign exchange reserves narrows
Baltic Dry Index)

BDI      841             (-28()

BCI   1,742            -118             ()

BPI      709 +9

BSI      676              ()-5

BHSI    384              ()-2

 TC Avg ($/day)

 BCI  5T/C     12,193       () -1,020()

BPI  4T/C       5,680          +73

BSI  6T/C       7,072           ()-52

 Exchange RateUSD / KRW   1,165.2USD / RMB    6.3505
Crude Future ($/barrel)WTI       48.18Brent     51.76
Buker  (Singapore, $/ton)  IF380      IFO180     MDO     MGO254.50      268.00     458.00   468.00